⬇️ Never give up after receiving criticism. Years from now, you’ll regret giving up more than you’ll regret trying and failing.
🤝 Don’t base your self-worth on criticism.
Even constructive criticism can hurt if taken personally. Remember, criticism targets actions, not the individual. It’s about what you did in a specific situation, not who you are.
🕒 Give yourself time.
The initial reaction to criticism is often defensive. Don’t rush to respond – take a few deep breaths and think it through. If the criticism caught you off guard, ask for time to process it and return to the conversation later.
❓ Ask questions.
Don’t hesitate to ask clarifying questions. It’s okay to disagree or seek a better understanding.
📈 Grow through analysis.
Use critical feedback as an opportunity for growth. Reflect on the experience and strive to improve based on what you’ve learned.