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Don't Abandon Your Goal

🎯 You set a goal ⬇️ encountered an obstacle ⬇️ lost motivation ⬇️ gave up. That’s the way of a quitter. It stings because you recognize yourself here, but we’re here to tackle this problem, not hide from it.


Keep this mantra: I haven’t lost until I’ve given up.

Here’s how to achieve what you want:


🧘‍♂️ Don’t Visualize the End Result. Successful people say visualization helps, but it doesn’t. When you visualize, happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin are released, making your brain think the task is already complete, which kills motivation.


🎯 Focus on the First Step. Prioritize initial actions. The brain conserves energy by nature, so if it sees thousands of steps, it immediately goes into power-saving mode. Only think about the first step — you’ll outsmart your brain this way.

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