If you think management techniques are only for corporate executives, you’re mistaken. These strategies can be applied in any social setting. Here are a few subtle techniques you can use:
🗣️ Ask questions without offering choices.
For example: “When would it be convenient for you to do this?” This psychological trick limits the other person’s options. Most people are too polite to say no, so in 90% of cases, you’ll get what you need.
🙅 Learn to say “no.”
This skill is essential for dealing with manipulators, whether they’re pushy partners, friends, or relatives. Practice saying a firm “no,” not “maybe” or “we’ll see.” In some situations, a decisive refusal is necessary.
🤐 Don’t justify your refusals.
If you say “no,” stick to it without explanations or apologies. Avoid feeling guilty for setting boundaries. People sense your inner hesitations, and if you waver, they may press for answers or try to persuade you.
⏸️ Use the power pause.
Sometimes people ask awkward questions in public to corner you. Alone, you might refuse easily, but in front of others, you may feel pressured to agree. Instead, try the power pause: look them in the eyes as if you’re about to answer but say nothing. This unsettles them and breaks the pressure.